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Thursday, April 22, 2010

15 Phone Interview Tips - Wearing PJ's Is Not One of Them!

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With the limited resources of the recession, more and more employers are turning to phone interviews to save time and money. When I graduated about three years ago, I had no idea that phone interviews would become the norm in the interview process. I had learned how to prepare for a live interview just fine: rehearse beforehand, always arrive 15 minutes early, be well groomed, bring a copy of your resume along with other necessary documentation, use body language to show interest, etc. So when I had my first phone interview, I really didn’t know what to expect! How could I make a good first impression by using direct eye contact or using a firm handshake with my prospective employer, while their first impression of me would literally be my voice?

I found an article online called “Don’t Wear Pajamas to a Phone Interview” where Anne Fisher helps people become comfortable with this impersonal style of communication. This article gives 15 helpful pointers on how to nail a phone interview. Share these with your students and learn some new tips for yourself as well!

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