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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Who is teaching ESTP and ESFP students?

Written by Catherine Rains
The most common preference for faculty in 4 year universities is INTP.  ESTP’s and ESFP’s share their Perceiving preference with the average faculty member, but their IN teaching style is oftentimes the issue.  IN faculty prefer to lecture, with a minimal amount of classroom discussion, and encourage independent study and reflective thought about the lectures.  Although perfect for INT or INF preference students, this isn’t so great for our students with ESTP and ESFP preferences.  However, faculty in many 2-year colleges DO match this group in learning/teaching style, and thus ESTP’s and ESFP’s are less likely to be as at-risk in community colleges.  Bottom line with teaching this group, and for that matter any student, is to teach according to how your primary student type likes to learn, rather than how the faculty likes to teach.  Since there are usually all four learning styles in every classroom, it is important to teach to these – IS, IN, EN, and ES.  Stay tuned for next week when we discuss how they each prefer to learn.


  1. I am interested in learning more about these 'learning styles' and how they relate to function-in-attitude.

    Looking at how the whole-types correspond to IS//IN//EN//ES, I came up with this much:

    IS -
    The two Si Dominant types (ISFJ, ISTJ) and the two Se Auxiliary types (ISFP, ISTP)

    IN -
    The two Ni Dominant types (INFJ, INTJ) and the two Ne Auxiliary types (INFP, INTP)

    EN -
    The two Ne Dominant types (ENFP, ENTP) and the two Ni auxiliary types (ENFJ, ENTJ)

    ES -
    The two Se Dominant types (ESFP, ESTP) and two Si Auxiliary types (ESFJ, ESTJ)

    Its interesting how of the four types grouped together in these pairs, the perceiving process is in the EXACT OPPOSITE ATTITUDE when it switched from Dominant to Auxiliary position...

    Looking forward to discovering more about what this means when it comes to learning styles.

  2. I couldn't agree more. I talk about temperaments in my blogs and raise concern over how teachers cater for the Artisan style in particular. interesting.
