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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Insights for working with challenging Strong profiles

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Have you come across any challenging profiles while interpreting the Strong Interest Inventory® assessment with your students? Most of these profiles normally fall into two groups: 1) Profiles with few elevations, referred to as “Flat Profiles” and 2) Profiles with many elevations, referred to as “Elevated Profiles”.

So what are Flat Profiles? According to the Strong Interest Inventory® College Profile User’s Guide, written by Jeffrey P. Prince, profiles with scores on all the General Occupational Themes (GOTs) and Basic Interest Scales (BISs) at the “Moderate” level or below are generally considered to be “flat”. The students in this case indicated “little” or “very little” interest level to most of the items on the assessment. These are fairly uncommon for general client populations, but they occur frequently with younger college students.

Elevated Profiles are those with a large number of high scores on the General Occupational Themes and Basic Interest Scales. This usually means that the students indicated “like” or “strongly like” to most of the items on the assessment. This can be frustrating to both the interpreter and the student as the results won’t offer clear direction.

I’ll be sharing some common causes of both Flat Profiles and Elevated Profiles, as well some insights on how to interpret these in the next few weeks on both our Facebook and Twitter pages. If you are not already part of our community, please join us!

