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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The third reason why students (or anyone) will often get slight results

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Written by Catherine Rains

I find that the most common reason for a student to get a slight result is that they did not understand the mindset from which to take the Myers-Briggs® (MBTI®) assessment. For instance, they might have been told to take the assessment from their most natural self, or their “shoes off self”, which is not inaccurate, but is easily misunderstood by students, as well as adults. So they look at the pairs of opposites, and see how they could do both depending on different environments – work, school, home, etc. Since everyone will use ALL the preferences depending on the situation, they end up splitting their vote, and answering on both sides of a scale, resulting in a slight score.

So how do you establish a mindset that reduces slight scores? Stay tuned to next week’s blog for my “perfect world” solution!

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