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Friday, April 13, 2012

Behavioral Cues for Introversion

Written by Catherine Rains

Behavioral cues for Extraversion and Introversion often seem obvious, however I know many people who prefer Introversion that say they are often mistaken for someone who prefers Extraversion. I most often hear this from people whose jobs require them to exhibit extraverted behaviors, which is true of most jobs in America! So it can sometimes be difficult to know whether someone prefers Introversion simply by observing their behavior at work. We often have to look for additional cues beyond the obvious (talking a lot) in order to pick up this preference up accurately. Some of the cues I look for are when they:

• Could wait until someone else starts a conversation
• Often are comfortable with extended pauses in conversation (it gives them time to think)
• Might lean back in their chair, away from the conversation
• Could ask is there something they could read to learn more about what you are discussing
• Might speak slower and with a quieter tone
• Could avoid eye contact
• Might not interrupt a conversation to make their point, even when appropriate to do so
• Sometimes prefer email communication over talking in person

What other additional behavioral cues can you add to the list?

1 comment:

  1. The tone, eye contact and interrputing points sound stereotypical.
