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Friday, April 27, 2012

Behavioral Cues for Intuition

Written by Catherine Rains

As I mentioned last week, we are all picking up Sensing information first (facts, reality, specifics), but we all don’t do the same thing with this information. With people who prefer Intuition, they momentarily look at the data, and then with lightning speed jump to what those facts mean to them. They are looking for the implications, interpretations, and possibilities behind the data. In fact, they often care more about what the facts mean, rather than about the facts themselves, which means they could lose the original intent of the facts in the process of interpreting them!

So how can you guess whether someone prefers Intuition? They ….

• Usually love to brainstorm about the possibilities of a subject
• Could ask long term kind of questions like what is the future of a certain career field
• Are more likely to ask questions that start with “what if”, “suppose” and “why”
• Often jump around in the conversation, following whatever tangent is most interesting in the moment
• Might enjoy telling stories with metaphors
• Sometimes are attracted to careers that involve creativity and little routine
• Could prefer fiction type novels
• Occasionally dress more artistically or expressively, with perhaps a few tattoos or body piercings thrown in if they are younger
• Often love to take MBTI® and/or the Strong assessment to generate new career possibilities

How many more behavioral cues can you come up with for Intuition?

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