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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

MBTI® Type and Choosing a College Major

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According to Introduction to Type® in Careers by John K. Ditiberio and Allen L. Hammer, people tend to be attracted to, and are most satisfied in, careers that provide them with the opportunity to express and use their preferences. When students learn about their personality type, they can be better prepared on their search for a career. Knowing the type of work settings they can expect from certain occupations (which is something they can research) can help them decide if that will fit with their personality. A great example is the article I shared in my last blog.

In the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing how each of the sixteen types chooses a major on our facebook and twitter pages. I encourage you to check out the booklet. It is broken out in six main sections which lead to more specific insights for each of the sixteen types:

  1. Choosing Courses, Majors and Careers – includes how students choose majors and what majors students choose. 
  2. Learning styles – each of the sixteen types has a different style that works best for them.
  3. The tasks of a college student – includes writing, studying and taking tests.
  4. Its not all work - this section focuses on dating and relationships.
  5. Living with a roommate – learning how to deal with other types in a situation where there isn’t much control on the student’s part. 
  6. Dealing with stress – each person copes differently, but knowing what works best for one’s personality type can be helpful.
If you haven’t connected with us yet, find us on and Don’t forget to visit us to collect all sixteen insights!