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Friday, February 1, 2013

Counseling to Type Strategies – Introversion (Part 3)

Written by Catherine Rains 

In my first two posts of this series, I shared some tips on how to tailor your career counseling strategies to students with a preference for Introversion.  Here are the last couple I’d like to share:

Pause when you ask a question.  Silently counting to 10 after asking a question will go a long way toward supporting a student who prefers Introversion  to sort through their possible options and respond with a well thought out solution.  As hard as it may be for counselors who prefer Extroversion, hold your breath and literally count to 10 in your mind – you will be surprised at how positively your students will respond with this simple technique.

Hold back on the number of questions. When a counselor who prefers Extroversion doesn't get an immediate response to their question, they quickly ask another question, often without giving a client who prefers Introversion time to thoroughly think through the first question.  Extroverted preference counselors also ask more and more questions when they don’t get an immediate response  because the silence makes them a bit uncomfortable.  Without immediate feedback, they think their client is not engaged, so they continue the questioning process hoping to find a way to engage their client, which could actually be pushing their client further away. breaking down communication between counselor and student.

So what have I missed?  Please share your suggestions for what has worked for you when working with students who prefer Introversion.  Next week we’ll talk about how to effectively work with students who prefer Sensing.

Read Part 1 here.
Read Part 2 here. 

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