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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Counseling to Type Strategies – Introversion (Part 2)

Written by Catherine Rains 

In my first post of this series, I shared some tips on how to tailor your career counseling strategies to students with a preference for Introversion. Here are a couple more suggestions: 

Provide reading material as soon as possible.  Those who prefer Introversion learn best by reading before discussing.  So talk less, and provide something to read early in the appointment, which can be read either during the session, or on their own after the session. 

Give some form of homework.  Students who prefer Introversion usually enjoy an assignment where they can explore without a counselor.  Provide a reference list of websites or a research assignment in the career library is right up their ally.  Remember, these are the students who usually prefer a shorter session with the counselor, and more time on their own thinking through what they learned with you.

Next week I'll share the last few strategies before moving on to Intuition. 

Counseling to Type Strategies - Extroversion (Part 1)
Counseling to Type Strategies - Extroversion (Part 2)
Counseling to Type Strategies - Extroversion (Part 3)

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