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Monday, January 31, 2011

An Innovative Approach to Marketing Your Career Center to Students

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While some career centers are trying to manage the influx of students they get on a daily basis, there are others who are struggling to get their students to discover the vast resources they have to offer. We all know the value of a career center – but many students don’t realize it until it’s time for them to graduate, or just not at all. I’ve attended several conferences in the past few years and have always been interested in workshops that teach how to market a career center. So when I stumbled upon how the University of California – Irvine (UCI) has ramped up their marketing, I had to share their innovative approach. They call it the “Dream Team” which is a 9-month internship comprised of marketing students who come up with ways of promoting the UCI Career Center by creating awareness with other students. What better way to communicate with students than by having other students do it? Read more about how UCI’s Dream Team Taps Into Students to Market the Career Center.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Can drop-out rates be related to MBTI Type? - The Case of "Drop-out Danny"

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Our fourth and last article in CPP’s series of assessment case study discussions by Judith Grutter, focusing on strategies for assessment interpretation using the Strong and MBTI® Career Report, is about Danny. Danny is one of the 40+ percent of college and university freshmen who are likely to drop out before graduating. Ms. Grutter explores why this is the case and how it might be related to MBTI® type.

School was never easy for Danny. He didn’t think much about college. His parents didn’t go beyond high school and never really talked much about “career” or work that might require higher education. In fact his father dropped out of school in tenth grade. He has always provided well for his family, and doesn’t really see why Danny needs college. He says that Danny is “a strong boy and good with his hands. He can always earn a living.” Read the complete case study and download supporting materials.

Judith Grutter, M.S., NCC, MCC, is a trainer and career development program consultant with over 30 years' experience. Ms. Grutter is Principal of GS Consultants and conducts a yearly workshop on "Type and Relationships". This year’s workshop will be held on April 11-12, 2011 at Lake Tahoe, CA. To learn more, read about it in our previous blog. Visit for more information on other workshops as well as MBTI® and Strong Interest Inventory® certification programs.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

When the pieces don’t seem to fit...The Case of "Rosie R"

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What do you do when you encounter inconsistent Strong assessment results during an interpretation? This case study (part 3 of 4 in our series of case studies focused on strategies for assessment interpretation using the Strong and MBTI® Combined Career Report written by Judith Grutter) focuses on Rosie R., an adult re-entry university student who is considering a career change.

For the past six years, Rosie has been working in Human Resources for a large company that manufactures agricultural equipment. She is currently realizing that her interests have shifted in the following three areas:

• Continuing in human resources with an emphasis on training and development
• Pursuing a teaching credential or perhaps moving toward educational administration
• Attending law school with a focus on family law policy development

She decides to sign up for a career exploration class where she is prompted to take the Strong Interest Inventory® assessment. The instructor then finds some interesting results. Click here to read the complete case study.

Judith Grutter, M.S., NCC, MCC, is a trainer and career development program consultant with over 30 years' experience. Ms. Grutter is Principal of GS Consultants and conducts a yearly workshop on "Type and Relationships". This year’s workshop will be held on April 11-12, 2011 at Lake Tahoe, CA. To learn more, read about it in our previous blog. Visit for more information on other workshops as well as MBTI® and Strong Interest Inventory® certification programs.

Friday, January 21, 2011

What to do after graduation?? - The case of Molly M

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This question is answered for Molly M, in part 2 of 4 in our series of case studies focused on strategies for assessment interpretation using the Strong and MBTI® Combined Career Report. Written by Judith Grutter, she discusses Molly’s dilemma as a college student who is struggling with choosing a career major. With little job experience, Molly feels she has limited choices when it comes to deciding what to do after graduation. She is undecided as to whether she will continue on to graduate school to pursue counseling or law, or take some time off once she graduates to pursue the military, or apply for jobs in human resources or substitute teaching. This case study is an essential read for every practitioner in that it suggests a roadmap to the interpretation of flat profiles. Read the complete case study and download supporting materials.

Judith Grutter, M.S., NCC, MCC, is a trainer and career development program consultant with over 30 years' experience. Ms. Grutter is Principal of GS Consultants and conducts a yearly workshop on "Type and Relationships". This year’s workshop will be held on April 11-12, 2011 at Lake Tahoe, CA. To learn more, read about it in our previous blog. Visit for more information on other workshops as well as MBTI® and Strong Interest Inventory® certification programs.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

From Teaching to Nursing – The Case of Terri T.

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A few years ago, Judith Grutter, CPP author and Principal of GS Consultants, wrote a series of four case studies for the CPP Career Insider newsletter. The case studies focused on strategies for assessment interpretation using the Strong and MBTI® Combined Career Report. Recently, a customer of ours contacted us about these case studies as he found them useful to share with his students. So we thought that it would be beneficial to share these again in hopes that you will find them useful as well!

The first case study focuses on Terri T., a second-year college student who is revisiting her initial decision to major in child development and pursue a career in elementary education for a nursing career instead. Here is the full case study on Terri T.

Judith Grutter, M.S., NCC, MCC, is a trainer and career development program consultant with over 30 years' experience. Ms. Grutter is Principal of GS Consultants and conducts a yearly workshop on "Type and Relationships". This year’s workshop will be held on April 11-12, 2011 at Lake Tahoe, CA. To learn more, read about it in our previous blog. Visit for more information on other workshops as well as MBTI® and Strong Interest Inventory® certification programs.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Announcing a Third Addition to Our MBTI® College Edition Suite

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We previously introduced the MBTI® Profile and MBTI® Self-Scorable College Editions. Now we present you with the MBTI® Interpretive Report, College Edition. We've updated this report in order to provide you with an easier MBTI interpretation session and to guide your students in understanding their results. This 5-page report includes all the data from the MBTI® Profile (including preference clarity index information), plus

• A user-friendly overview of type preferences
• A brief discussion of personality type and type development
• An extensive description of your student's four-letter type

The report delves into the pattern of preferences unique to your student's type, explains clarity of preference and what it means, and offers tips for verifying type.

View a sample report or go to to learn more.